52+ Unique Nicknames for Audrey

Last Updated on October 8, 2021

Naming a new-born is a big responsibility for parents and the first clue into a person’s life and personality is in their name. When choosing a birthname consider how it could be used in an alternative way to make a nickname and how the child’s birthname and family name will sound together.

Audrey Hepburn, that is the name that comes to mind when we hear Audrey. A classical, beautiful actress famous for her roles in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My fair Lady.

Finding nicknames for such a gentle and elegant name can be difficult but here is a comprehensive list of nicknames that are associated with Audrey.

Classic Nicknames for Audrey

  1. Adi
  2. Addie
  3. Audie
  4. Drey
  5. Drea
  6. Dree
  7. Dre
  8. DeeDee
  9. Aude
  10. Dee

Cute Nicknames for Audrey

  1. Oddie
  2. Auds
  3. Audz
  4. Rey
  5. ReyRey
  6. Audrina
  7. Audra
  8. Audball
  9. Reya
  10. Aira

Funny Nicknames for Audrey

  1. Aidria
  2. Dreya
  3. Dria
  4. Addy
  5. AudsDawg
  6. AudsBunny
  7. AudeBoo
  8. AudiRoo
  9. Saint Audrey
  10. Ms Aud

Usernames that are a variant of Audrey

  1. Hepburn
  2. Audris
  3. Aquilina
  4. Audrelina
  5. Audis
  6. Drelina
  7. Little Aud
  8. Dresa
  9. Aussie
  10. Aus
  11. Aurey
  12. Dreas

Unique Nicknames for Audrey

  1. Audge
  2. Dede
  3. Auggie
  4. Aud Lou
  5. Odd Tree
  6. Aud Pie
  7. Aud Bear
  8. Owdrey
  9. A-Rey
  10. Aud Pod

How to come up with a good nickname for Audrey?

When thinking of nicknames consider how the birthname abbreviates it may be as simple as using only half the name for example Audrey. Avoid names that will be shortened to something embarrassing, think of how this nickname is going to ‘grow’ with the person. It is important to take into consideration how nicknames are short versions but also can be made into longer versions of their names.

When considering how to come up with a good nickname for Audrey ask these four questions which will inspire you to be creative and original.

  • What is the origin of the name?
  • Has the name got a special meaning?
  • Famous people/characters with the same name?
  • Can the name be used as a rhyming word?

Audrey is a female name from Anglo Saxon descent, and it means noble strength. Two famous Audrey’s both from the 20th Century Audrey Hepburn and Little Audrey a comic book character created in 1946.

There are some interesting and fun nicknames that can be derived from the name Audrey in the list above. An example of a rhyming nickname would be Tawdry Audrey.

Don’t overthink coming up with great, funny, cool nicknames. Keep it simple and catchy and be respectful. When inventing a nickname for a friend or family member imagine their appearance, character where they live, their hobbies, favourite foods. All these character traits help when you are considering a nickname and can heavily influence how to come up with the best nicknames for Audrey.